Green onion pancake
flour 220g | Hot water 120g |
Cold water 40g | Olive oil 30g |
flour 30g | Salt and pepper 2 grams |
Chives 12 grams |

Step 1
Pour the flour into a larger container, pour in hot water, and use chopsticks to stir into a fluffy consistency.
Step 2
Pour in cold water and knead into a dough, cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes.
Step 3
Divide the rested dough into 6 small doughs, take one small dough and roll it into a round cake.
Step 4
Mix olive oil, flour, pepper and salt evenly, add chopped green onions and mix into chopped green onion paste. (Puff pastry ingredients: 30 grams of olive oil, 30 grams of flour, 2 grams of salt and pepper, 12 grams of chives)
Step 5
Spread the pastry flat on the dough, make one side into a skirt shape, and roll it up from the other side.
Step 6
After rolling it up, pinch it tightly and roll it into a round shape.
Step 7
Flatten and roll into pancakes.
Step 8
Heat oil in a pan and fry until golden brown. Cooking tips for scallion pancakes