Hericium mushroom, yam and pork ribs soup
Pork Ribs 500g | Hericium 5 flowers |
Iron Bar Yam One stick | Ginger piece |
Cooking wine One tablespoon | Salt Appropriate amount |
Green onion Appropriate amount | Vinegar A few drops |

Step 1
Soak Hericium mushrooms in warm water. Put a plate on top to hold it down to prevent it from floating.
Step 2
Soak for two hours until soft.
Step 3
Clean. Repeatedly, squeeze gently with your hands like squeezing a sponge. Squeeze out the yellow water juice.
Step 4
Change the water several times. After repeated washing, the yellow water will be washed away. Squeeze the water out and cut off the black part of the pedicle. Break into small florets.
Step 5
Iron rod, peeling and cutting blade for yam. Soak in water with a few drops of vinegar.
Step 6
Wash the ribs, slice the ginger, add cooking wine and blanch.
Step 7
Pour water, ribs, hericium, and ginger slices into the soup pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and skim off the foam with a spoon. Turn on low heat and simmer for about an hour.
Step 8
Add iron rods and yam and cook until cooked. Just add salt five minutes before turning off the heat.
Step 9
Season, add chopped green onion, and remove from the pan.
Step 10
It’s out of the pot. Cooking tips for Hericium yam and pork ribs soup