Low-Calorie Banana Cornmeal Cake
Cornmeal 150g | Eggs 2 |
Banana 2 roots | Baking powder 3 grams |
Milk 40ml | raisins Appropriate amount |

Step 1
Prepare the ingredients, peel the banana and put it in a bowl
Step 2
pressed into mud
Step 3
Add cornmeal and baking powder
Step 4
Add eggs and milk
Step 5
Stir well and add raisins
Step 6
Mix well
Step 7
Load into mold
Step 8
Garnish with slivered almonds on top
Step 9
Hai's K5 oven is preheated to 180° in advance. The mold is placed in the middle shelf of the preheated oven.
Step 10
Bake at 180° for 35 minutes
Step 11
Let cool and slice into slices
Step 12
Great for afternoon tea~
Step 13
Fluffy, soft, delicious and not fat
Step 14
It is oil-free and sugar-free and has a strong satiety effect. It is the best choice during the fat loss period. Try it now~ Low-Calorie Banana Cornmeal Cake Recipes